Friday, November 17, 2006

Hello, my name is Channa Touch. I am 27 years old now. I am married to a beautiful wife. She is 25 and her name is Simalux Sreang (nick name is Simy). We have one beautiful daughter. Her name is Sokunkarana Chan (nick name is Ballina). She is 1 year old now.

I thanks the Lord for this preciose family that I have. I love my wife and my daughter very much. And thanks for His Blessings over our marriag life. In this picture, I'm 26. My wife's 25 and my daughter Bellina is 1 year old.

In my heart I want to live my family life for God's glory. We want to live our daily lives as a good biblical example to the Buddish Community. We want to share Jesus through our daily lives, good marriage, good father, good mother, and good children for our Lord Jesus Christ and to the society of Cambodia.

My Birthday is 19 November, 1979.

My Wife's Birthday is 02 February, 1981.

My Daughter's Birthday is 20 September 2005.