Friday, November 17, 2006

This is my Daughter Ballina Touch. She is our princes. I want to share abit about her birth. After we got married for 3 years we cannot have a baby. And we want to have a baby very much and so our mothers. People say maybe we cannot have a baby. And they tell us to see the docter. But we don't want to go. We are sure in our hearts that to have children is God's will. We kept praying everyday and just wait for His time to give us children. In 2004, there was a 3-month-Bible Colleg in Kg-Cham, Cambodia run by Terry and Elizabeth Schroder from Australia. A few weeks before Bible College graduation, there were prophecies over our lives in having a baby. And my wife saw a baby girl in her vision. Not long after that, I think it was afew months after that we have a baby. We are very happy. My wife pray for her name. We want to have good name for our princes. And God gave her name is Sokunkarana which is means Rightouse, Grace, and Mercy of God. But everybody knows her nick name is Ballina which was called after Pastor Andrew Cook went to Ballina the town in Australia and asked the people to pray for our family and children too.